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If you want to mess with real giant fish, you don't need a filigree reel.
The Anaconda Fast Drag System is an innovative braking system that guarantees the angler can react quickly to a bite.
Matched to the Apace rod series, the Apace LS 800 reel is presented here
The Iron Claw Slim Jim reels are anything but simply inexpensive, rather as an unbeatable price-performance ratio.
The connoisseur knows that especially the large, sluggish trout bite on the bottom or close to the bottom.
The Xcovery-R series was designed to be able to fish professionally with fine, filigree rods (2.25lbs) as well as with heavy rods (3.75lbs).
The Xcovery-R series was designed to be able to fish professionally with fine, filigree rods (2.25lbs) as well as with heavy rods (3.75lbs).
The new Aim-X is a real workhorse with high quality and functional equipment.
The Target AL is a reel with an aluminum housing designed for fishing in salt water.
The external appearance of the new Iron Claw Angular Reel seems to have many rough edges.
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