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Spezi 1000 - target fishinig reel+ line + accessories!
If you want to mess with real giant fish, you don't need a filigree reel.
Spezi 1000 - target fishinig reel+ line + accessories!
The Anaconda Fast Drag System is an innovative braking system that guarantees the angler can react quickly to a bite.
Spezi 1000 - target fishinig reel+ line + accessories!
The Target AL is a reel with an aluminum housing designed for fishing in salt water.
Matched to the Apace rod series, the Apace LS 800 reel is presented here
The Iron Claw Slim Jim reels are anything but simply inexpensive, rather as an unbeatable price-performance ratio.
The connoisseur knows that especially the large, sluggish trout bite on the bottom or close to the bottom.
Spezi 1000 - target fishinig reel+ line + accessories!
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