Very catchy pirk systems with UV active twisters and jig heads as well as the fast bead. After only a few meters under water, the UV color is increasingly perceived by the fish, while the perception of the actual color is weaker. Our systems are available in 2 sizes, with 1 catcher!
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Swim it, hop it and ready yourself on the pause-and-drop, cause even the slightest movement on our Ninja Craw causes the claws to rise in a defense posture.
The slender body slips into cover anywhere while the floating plastic design keeps the tail up in surrender to lurking predators.
Deep ribs at base and end to increase stimulation along with a smooth taper at the base for a secure fit.
Appealing to the visual senses, The Jerk triggers animated feeding with all of the erratic action fish hate.
In Norway fishing with large fixed reels is becoming increasingly popular. In the Ultra Heavy Pilk we have a super-strong rod developed for really big fish and large bait. With regard to the action it can be compared to the Boat 25 but with a reel seat, round guides for fixed reels.
Catfish floats made of relatively soft, yet sturdy material. Ideal for buoy fishing, rigging, conventional float or drift fishing.
For do-it-yourself sea leaders.
Spins and snaps of the Extra class. Extra thick wire for maximum safety and matt black surface that prevents any reflection in the water. The wide-spread bow provides a natural game of bait
Balzer Seafishing Swivel! This Seafishing Swivel with mounts is extremely durable and resilient!
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